How do you think travel will be different after coronavirus?

travel style change

Hello! I’m Sarry from Japan.
How do you think about travel in the future?
I think that before and after coronavirus will be different.
Let’s share about travel issue.

air plane



Summer Vacation !


travel summer


Summer Vacation but under a state of emergency

My summer vacation is going to start soon. Our workplace is closing in the middle of August, and my co-workers and I will be able to take around 10 days of vacation.

I really like to travel, and I’d be going overseas for the vacation if the coronavirus situation had ended.

However, the pandemic is still raging all over the world, so I have to give up on the idea of taking a trip. Right now the Tokyo Olympics are being held in Japan, but Tokyo is under a state of emergency.




The Olympics VS a state of emergency

corona pandemic


What do you think about this situation? Isn’t that a contradiction?

I think that the vector will be heading opposite ways. Sounds strange. I think that everything is weird. I don’t want to blame the Japanese government, but there are lots of ways in which I don’t trust them these days. A lot of other Japanese people may feel the same way.


Lot’s of scandal unveiled 

I really worry that the Tokyo Olympics may harm Japan’s image overseas.

A lot of scandals have occurred. Even Japanese people were surprised when they heard about these. They involved human rights, Olympic money, and other issues.

Surprisingly, even the New York Times ran an article about the Tokyo Olympics that focused on dark money by Dentsu (an advertising agency).

You can check the detail from New York Times articles.



Travel style will be change


summer vacation

I would have like to England but…

Let’s talk about travel. If the pandemic had ended I would have liked to go to England. I’ve never been there, but I like baking, and English scones are my favorite things to bake.

I wanted to go to England and experience a real cream tea (a form of afternoon tea).

However, the travel situation has totally changed since the pandemic started, and it’s difficult to go overseas.

lemonade scone

No more Japanese passport is strong.

I’m Japanese, so I have a Japanese passport, and that allows me to get into lots of countries.

I think it’s generally a more useful passport than ones from a lot of other countries, but it’s not as effective as it once was. 


Soon to travel abroad you’ll need a vaccine passport, which certifies that the holder has been vaccinated for coronavirus. I think these will soon be mandatory for tourists.

In the future when you go to restaurants, bars, museums, and several other kinds of places, you may have to show your vaccine passport.

If you don’t have one you won’t be able to travel overseas. 

vaccinated passport

There are some people who are against getting vaccines, and they have various reasons for this.

I’m going to get vaccinated, but I haven’t had a chance yet.

There may be a shortage of vaccines right now in Japan.





Lot’s of Vaccine conspiracy theory

There are some negative reasons

Here are some reasons why some people don’t want to get vaccinated:


Negative reasons

  • They’re worried about side effects.  
  • Here are lots of conspiracy theories coming from media outlets and other sources.
  • Some people have said that vaccines violate human rights.


There are huge “Infodemic” on the web.


I’ve seen lots of dubious and some interesting things on social media platforms like Twitter.

Some people claim that if you get a vaccine you may die after five years.

Some say that the vaccines contain microchips, while others say that they cause infertility and will lead to a reduction in the population.

These are just a few of the things that have been said. They’re all very dubious, and I really wonder who believes these claims. They’re the result of an “infodemic”. People should raise their information literacy.

news literacy


There are some worries issue for me..

hate crime

Anyway, people should get vaccinated if they want to travel. Since I’m Japanese, when it comes to overseas travel I also worry about the issue of hate crime. Since the Black Lives Matter demonstrations some Asian people have been the victims of hate crime.

That really makes me sad.



It’s difficult for a lot of Asian people to go to countries where that kind of thing has happened because they have negative feelings about these places.

Travel .. from now on.

Travel style is change

The experience of travel is definitely changing. First of all, you’ll soon need a vaccine passport. If you have one you may be able to avoid a two-week quarantine when you get to a travel destination. Also, people now need to maintain social distance on airplanes, buses, and so on, and they have to be careful about hygiene wherever they go.

social distance


Bad situation for backpackers

What about backpackers?

Can they still travel in the style that they’re used to?

I think that would be difficult now.

They tend to stay in accommodations that are like dormitories, so they share bedrooms with others, and to save money they do other risky things.

They also like to communicate with local people and other tourists, so it would be very easy for them to get the virus. 

They may give up that kind of traveling, but I think that backpacking trips are great life experiences that help people grow and improve their minds. The coronavirus has taken away lots of opportunities from people, and that makes me really angry and sad.




Finally, should you go travel or cancel?



I’m still thinking about whether to take a trip during summer vacation. Coronavirus cases in Tokyo have risen quite a bit recently, so maybe I shouldn’t. Also, the government constantly asks people to refrain from going out except in emergencies.


Time passes even when you don’t have anything to do.

Time is money. Time flies. 


I wish I could travel in freedom without being under any regulations.

When will I be able to do that?

Thank you for visiting my page! 🍀



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Hello! I'm Sarry from Japan. I like baking, traveling and reading book, watch movie! I live in shard house. こんにちは!HSPの為2020年7月から4か月休職を経験。お菓子作りが趣味で2022年10月に製菓専門学校に入学して製菓衛生士目指して勉強中!仕事と勉強の両立難しいですが、のんびり行きます!シェアハウスライフ満喫中!ハウスライフはツイッターでつぶやいています!