On the train

I usually take the train to work. Today during my commute I bought a newspaper at a kiosk. I don’t know exactly why I did this, but it occurred to me that I hadn’t read one for a while. There were some newspapers in front of a shop, and I got the Japan News, which is published by Yomiuri.

As you probably know, every newspaper lately has been reporting on the Coronavirus in it’s lead article. The dire headline on this one was “The Coronavirus is public enemy No.1.” It sounded terrible. Sone English-speaking people hae been diagnosed with the virus even though they’ve never been to China. They may have gotten it through person-to-person transmission. That’s what caused an outbreak. Maybe some dierctor is making a movie about this

On a diffferent topic, I was rading this newsparper on the trainwhile I was commuting, and when ( raised my eys for an instant I saw that everybody eles was looking at his or her smartphone. Nobody eles was reading a newspaper. Businessman used to read nnewspapers while commuting, folding them oblong and holding them up before their eyes on the packed train.

The way people listen to music has changed too. They used to listen to it on records, then these were replaced by CDs and MDs. Now people don’t even buy music but just stream it. Subscription music service like Spotify, Amazon music etc have also been popular recently.

Time have changed.

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Hello! I'm Sarry from Japan. I like baking, traveling and reading book, watch movie! I live in shard house. こんにちは!HSPの為2020年7月から4か月休職を経験。お菓子作りが趣味で2022年10月に製菓専門学校に入学して製菓衛生士目指して勉強中!仕事と勉強の両立難しいですが、のんびり行きます!シェアハウスライフ満喫中!ハウスライフはツイッターでつぶやいています!